** This blog post was originally posted as part of a personal challenge I did in 2016 **
What is more relaxing than getting in touch with nature and enjoying a technology free weekend? Let me answer that for you: Nothing.
Week 11 turned out being a (semi) spur of the moment getaway for Matt and I to one of our favourite places. We had been talking about going for a while and finally bit the bullet and booked it a couple days before we left.
Since our adventure didn’t include WIFI so here’s what I wrote while we were away.
Side note: This was a couple weeks ago now. I’ve just gotten a little behind with my blogs. Oops!
I’m sitting here writing to you today at the beautiful, secluded Point No Point Resort. It’s located on Vancouver island, a half hour drive north of Sooke and just before Jordan River.
It’s the third time we’ve been here and it’s a definite favourite. Words that come to mind when I think of this magical place: Peaceful, back to nature, romantic, authentic, quality time. Believe me, it’s amazing.
As I write, the sound of waves crashing on the beach below us fills the room. The waves hit the shores with such ferociousness, while the birds chirp and the otters play. Matt and I are both intoxicated by the feeling of spending much needed time walking around the pristine, yet rustic grounds. The property is humble yet extremely luxury. It let’s nature do the talking but the quality is seen in the spotless rooms, the well maintained trails, the warm smiles of the people who work here. Just Gorgeous.
One of my favourite parts about Point No Point? The two person hot tub on our deck overlooking the ocean. There’s nothing like a hot tub to calm and relax you, especially with such an unbeatable view.
While feeling serene and beautiful it also triggers feelings of childhood. Reminders of what it was like to be at summer or overnight camp. Memories of the girly giggles, flirting with the boys or chatting about what we wanted for our future. Those trips always felt magical as a child. We always walked away so exhausted and full of so much life. I have a feeling the outcome of this trip won’t be much different (besides the exhaustion since there’s a fabulous king sized bed).
Looking back on those trips, a weekend away always felt like a week does now that we’re “grown up.” One day felt like three and a weekend felt like two weeks of VK does now. Point No Point makes you feel like a kid again. Slowing down time to that beautiful, ooey gooey state. Today has felt like three days so far and it’s only 3:26. Time has gone quickly yet slowly and has been jam packed with memories.
Now, back to the hot tub for me before I break the spell and time starts to move far to fast again. See you on the flip side ♥
And here we are on the flipside. It’s almost three weeks later and I am dreaming of being back on that deck, breathing in the ocean air, soaking up all that relaxation.
Even though this trip wasn’t as spur of the moment as I would have initially imagined it was still wonderful and much needed. Maybe we will have to go away again so it fits the spontaneous bill a little bit better which would REALLY suck [insert sarcastic tone]. Oh well!
P.S. Yes Point No Point is as awesome as it sounds. If you need a little recharge getaway get your booty over there!
P.P.S. We didn’t take a ton of pictures this trip so some of these photos are from our trip in June. The weather was basically identical. I dare you to try to guys which were which
P.P.P.S. Look at me not being a perfectionist! I could say more but I am going to leave it at this: a short post just to get it out the door. If you have more questions about Point No Point or my weekend you can comment below