The List
So you’re probably thinking “this challenge sounds peachy and everything but what goals are you ACTUALLY working on?” To figure this out I brainstormed, researched, and wracked my brain for anything I could think of that might be impactful/ fit in with the challenge. Here’s what I came up with:
♥One week without sugar
♥Do a headstand or forearm stand for 10 seconds (I hate being inverted)
♥Wake up before 7 am for a week
♥Sweat everyday damn day (for a week)
♥Take a dance class at Harbour Dance Centre in Vancouver
♥Dance en pointe
♥Learn something new
♥Take a hip hop class
♥Meditate everyday for a week
♥Give blood
♥Make a new recipe everyday for a week
♥Launch website (Before Twenty Five)
♥Launch freelancing business (website, proposal plan etc.) -working on it
♥Email local businesses about freelance work
♥Write and finish an ebook (remember it doesn’t have to be perfect)
♥Make a new friend and take them out for coffee/ wine
♥One week of friend dates
♥Reconnect with 3 old friends. Tell them why I used to love them and wish them well in life.
♥Pay off credit card(s) and set up payment plan -one down, one to go
♥Go one week without Starbucks and buying food out
♥Take a solo trip
♥Book a life changing trip (Possibly Bali)
♥Go to Vegas
♥Go to New York
♥Go visit a friend who lives away
♥Go on an overnight hike
♥Road trip the West Coast
♥Go to a music festival
♥Take a spontaneous trip
♥Surprise visit people I love
♥Write and mail out thank you cards to everyone for being them
♥Buy someone hungry a meal
♥Buy a stack of giftcards and give them out to people in need downtown
♥Gift my people words of affirmation ghost writer style
♥Make love everyday for a week
♥Get waxed
♥Get a doggie
♥Go for afternoon tea
♥Go zip lining -in the works
♥Host a murder mystery party
♥Create a time capsule
♥Take another aerial workshop (more aerial silks, pole, or hoop)
♥Go skinny dipping
♥Do something illegal
♥Breakfast at Tiffany’s
♥Plan a girls night out complete with champ, dinner and dancing
♥Plan a sleepover
♥Change a tire
♥Learn to drive
♥Get drivers license (I know… not having my driver’s licence is mildly embarassing)
♥Find out my blood type
♥Recertify in first aid and cpr
♥Re-learn to sew on a machine. Make something I’m proud of.
♥Go through entirety of stuff. throw away, donate, sell -although, this is also a life long thing
♥Organise life. Setup binder, cleaning plan, donate/ sell/ throw away purge
♥Be an adult and get shit done (all the appointments and important adulting things)
♥Lose weight and not be ashamed of talking about it (as fit or fitter than 18 year old Lauren)
♥Read everyday (6 books in the next 6 months)
♥Be a confident coder- Finish going through codecademy
♥Gratitude journal daily
♥Learn a second language
♥Save $10 a week before my birthday. Use it towards birthday present to me!
♥Juice cleanse
♥One week for me (take a week off for a stay-cation. No dance, no work just me)
♥Teach a flashmob
♥Do a dance photo shoot
I’ll pick one thing from this list each week to focus on. As for what each week will be, that’s a surprise!